
Prize for a distinguished innovation

The Baccord Logic music teaching method gained a prize for a distinguished innovation at the 10th international innovation exhibition in Zagreb which arranged at 2012. October 10-13.

Below please read Gabor Balogh’s account on the event and its prelude:


A few words about the prelude.

In December, 2011 I received a letter from Laszlo Rossu, praising our teaching methodology: 

Dear Gabor,

In my opinion, your teaching method should be patented and also demonstrated at various invention fairs. Fair awards would be really helpful in recognizing the invention both in the local and the international arena.Two years ago I patented an Internet-based automated parcel exchange technology which has won numerous prizes at invention fairs. These prizes were important vehicles in making my invention a reality, so that next year the system could be launched. I would be glad to help you introduce your method at various invention fairs free of charge.

Laszlo helped and introduced me to Dr. Andras Vedres who is the president of the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA) and also the Secretary General of the Hungarian Inventors Association (MAFE).

Dear Mr. Balogh,

This is a prime example of a cultural innovation.
I’m organizing a world-event from October 10 to 13 in Zagreb, Croatia and please accept my invitation.

Andras’ response made me very excited because his offer provided me with the opportunity to introduce my new music teaching system which makes teaching music easier.
In the summer of 2012 we started preparing for the international fair. As a prerqisite, we presented the method on the national level. Innovations that do not pass muster are barred from entering the international stage.

My wife, along with Peter Hertz – who helped in the translation- and myself arrived to the opening ceremony in Zagreb. The convention was a successful and well-received event and was attended by high-ranking government officials. In the afternoon, our Sign-System Teaching invention was presented to the Jury after which we strolled the old city and enjoyed the scenery. We travelled home in the evening for our students have been waiting for us.

A week later I called Andras and thanked him for inviting us to the exhibition. He then told us about the great news: We received a Croatian Award and he congratulated us for the well-received international debut.
Later on, during the award ceremony he mentioned that when Ivo Josipovics, President of Croatia visited the fair, he spoke very highly of our invention, the BAccordLOGic music teaching system. Mr. Josipovics’ opinion is especially important, since he has an expert voice in the field of music....
(Ivo Josipovics graduated in 1983 at the Music Academy of Zagreb majoring in music composition. Between  1987-2004 he also taught at the school. From 1991 to 2010 (the year he became President) he served as Director of the Music Biennale Zagreb).

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